Where does Intergroup meet?
We are currently meeting on Zoom during this pandemic
When does Intergroup meet?
Every second Sunday of the month (except holidays) from 4:00pm-6:00pm
Review events to confirm each month's date and time.
What is Intergroup?
The ACA Intergroup exists to support the member groups of the Maryland, DC, and northern VA areas by carrying the message of recovery to adult children from alcoholic and dysfunctional families, using our combined resources.
It is important to note that the intergroup is NOT a governing organization that oversees area groups. As tradition four states, each group is autonomous except in matters affecting other groups or ACA as a whole.
Who is Intergroup
Intergroup is made of up of area ACA volunteers. Any ACA member may attend the monthly intergroup meeting either in person or via conference call. However, only official intergroup representatives may vote on issues at the meeting. Every member group may elect one intergroup representative to represent their group. Note: each representative may only have one vote and thus can only represent one group.
What Intergroup Does
1. Assists people in locating ACA meetings by providing/maintaining a list of local meetings
2. Provides conference-approved literature and materials to ACA groups
3. Organizes recovery-related events
4. Coordinates between affiliated ACA groups and the ACA World Service Organization
5. Raises awareness of ACA in the local community, for example by reaching out to professionals and institutions serving adult children
6. Answers questions and provide support to ACA members and member groups upon request
7. Provides such other services and functions as authorized by the National Capital Area ACA Intergroup at regular business meetings